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Careers in Real Estate

Unique Challenges + Opportunities + Success = Ray White Warner

At Ray White Warner, we are always on the lookout for enthusiastic and professional candidates to join our Ray White team.

We believe that the reason Ray White Warner has been able to become as successful and achieve the results as it has today, can be attributed to the constant recruitment of a balanced cross-section of experienced personnel as well as individuals starting out in the real estate industry.

Our goal we would like to achieve over the coming years is to keep expanding with the right people to consolidate our position in the marketplace as one of the leading real estate offices within the area.

If you are considering a career in Real Estate or if you already have previous experience in the real estate  industry, we would only  be more than happy to speak to you about the prospect of joining our friendly Ray White team.

Take advantage of the Ray White Know How to propel your career to the next level or give yourself the very best chance of succeeding by starting with the industry’s most comprehensive and thorough starter course.

Net date to be confirmed
Ray White Aspley Group 1374 Gympie Road

Ray White Aspley Group are expanding their already successful sales team. It is an exciting opportunity to start your career in Real Estate NOW!  Real Estate is an exciting industry that gives you the opportunity to earn an unlimited income along with flexibility.

Skills & Experience.
There is no need to have previous experience to be successful in Real Estate. You don’t have to have a proven sales record, nor any specific previous qualifications.

What we are looking for are people with;

Quality Attitude.
Commitment to Succeed.
Willingness to Learn.
Integrity & Honesty.

We are looking for stand alone agents and also associates to work alongside lead agents.  Successful applicants will be required to hold or obtain a Qld Certificate of Registration and undertake our induction and training program.

If you want to earn unlimited income and have the drive to succeed, attend our careers evening and let us talk to you about what the industry is all about, and what you need to do to be successful.

Day | Date | Time | Event Venue
Ray White Aspley Group 1374 Gympie Rd, Aspley Ph Benson on 0414 083 186 for more info.

To RSVP for the event please complete the following form and one of our recruitment team member will be in touch shortly.

Please call the Ray White Warner Recruitment Officer on (07) 3882 1000.

Your Contact Details